11th East Midlands Critical Care & Perioperative Medicine Conference

Hi there! 

I'm Joe - a clinical researcher based in Birmingham, UK. 

(If you're here for references for my talk at the East Mids crit care/POM conference, scroll down 👇)

I'm a member of the AI and Digital Health Research & Policy group at the University of Birmingham. We ask three main questions in our research:

Clinically I'm a speciality registrar in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine. I'm also a final year PhD student at the University of Birmingham. I'm a researcher for the STANDING Togther initative, co-organiser of The Alan Turing Institute's Clinical AI interest group, and co-lead for the Participatory Research theme at DSxHE.

Dr Joseph Alderman BMedSc (Hons) MBChB FRCA

Click the links above to connect via Twitter/X or LinkedIn, or to drop me an email:
j [.] e [.] alderman [at] bham [.] ac [.] uk

Join the anaesthesia & intensive care group at The Alan Turing Institute

The Alan Turing institute has a clinical AI interest group - one of our themes is anaesthesia and intensive care medicine. It's a great way to learn more about innovation in AI and digital healthcare in our speciality, and to contribute your clinical expertise to those creating these new technologies. It's free to join! 

Learn more here: https://www.turing.ac.uk/research/interest-groups/clinical-ai 

References for my presentation: